Saturday, January 24, 2009

A good week

It's been a good week. A lot accomplished at work. And I ordered a lcdtv from on it yesterday. Great service...white glove...from Amazon. They first gave me a 4 hour window for delivery, then also called 30 minutes prior. White glove is they bring it into your house, unpack and place it where you want it. They don't hook it up but I didn't have to worry about having it sit out on my porch, nor did I have to bother with trying to get it in the house and out of the box. Awesome, all of this with no shipping and handling fee and of course no tax! The only thing is the guy who delivered was used to tv's where the stand is already attached. This one wasn't..had to be put on. He said they should receive training for it. I told him no worries, between the 2 of us, we would figure it out and we did. I asked him "aren't you glad I'm not a delicate, helpless female?" I told him I put stuff together all the time. This was very simple! I had him laughing...told him like the redneck says...git-r-done. When he left, he said I made his day. Well that made my day...that I was a bright spot in somebody's life...even if it was for just a moment or just a day.

Got me thinking about how years ago I felt like I made no difference in this world. If I had never been born, would my life be missed? I didn't think so. It's easier to feel you have a purpose in this life when you have children. That you matter. So often when a person dies unexpectedly at a young age...if he or she has children...people say how awful. But if that person has no children..then it's a relief. One woman even told me that people with children..their lives are more valuable than those of us who don't have children. That my life has less worth than those who have children. That 's a hard pill to swallow.

But hey what the f$%k does she know. I've come to believe that my life does matter. Ok, will it matter a hundred years from now that I lived? Hell, it probably won't matter much 50 years from now. But I'm ok with that. Perhaps, for example, my co-worker Freddie who is 25 will say 50 years from now..." I worked with this woman years and years ago...can't remember her name...but she sure did make me laugh. She was cool." I have made a difference in
some people's lives. The first time I realized I made a difference is when a man I worked with back in St. Louis told me he had the courage to go to an AA meeting because he knew I sought out counseling for relationship trouble (Joey the Jerk). I didn't make it a secret that I was getting help. But I did get a lot of grief from people, mostly women, who implied that I was weak for first being in a bad relationship ("I wouldn't never let a man treat me like that") and second that I sought professional help. But it was worth being made fun of if it helped one person.

Perhaps it's part of God's plan that I never that I could be a good and caring friend to many. And to bring the Jane Joy into people's lives. oh gag!!! But I do make people laugh, sometimes it's even laughing at me, but I'm ok with that too.

Well enough of this serious crap! I'm finally going to get digital cable now that I have a new tv. It'll be installed on Feb 7th, just in time for my birthday, Mary and Larry's visit and my big party on Friday the 13th. Whooo-hooo!

Later my peeps!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Like my mom and I used to say..."we're not right, but we're fun". And so here goes my very first attempt at blogging. I don't know why I'm doing this. My life is quite dull. Very busy at work but I can't write about it. All I can say is I'm thoroughly enjoying my job right now...very challenging! And I like a challenge. I am also working with some folks whose minds are as warped and perverted as mine. That makes the work fun and the day go by faster.

Tonight in Huntsville, the temp is supposed to get down in the single digits. Shitfire, it's freezin' ass!!! And the coldest in 6 years for here. That heatpump (schmeep pump...that's from a St. Louis commercial for the gas company...aired many years ago) will be going in OT tonight. My Mattie won't want to be outside for very long for tinkle-time. She definitely is a Southern dog. btw, I love that damn dog. And...she's a fine looking animal (for a mutt). She's Mattielicious!!! I told you I'm not right!

Well as my sister, mi hermana Maria, said on her blog...this ole gal will be turning 50 soon. Fixin' to have a party. Girly Girl (my sister Mary) and her hubby, my beloved bro Larry are coming down for it. Had so much beer left over from my Christmas open house...have to get rid of it somehow. Should be a blast. Obviously don't want any gifts...just want folks to come and make fun of the ole heffer. I'm a typical baby of the family...I love attention, even if it's negative!
Check out my baby pic. Not sure how old I am. All it says on the back is 1959. Well what can I say...I was the third child...not so many pics of me. Que Sera! That's how it is in evey family.
This is so lame-o of me but I gotta go to bed now. Alarm goes off at 4:45am. I did say my life was dull.